May 04, 2022


A Journey Into Loving Service - Bhikkhu Mettaji

Hosted by

Sol Hanna
A Journey Into Loving Service - Bhikkhu Mettaji
Treasure Mountain Podcast
A Journey Into Loving Service - Bhikkhu Mettaji

May 04 2022 | 01:05:40


Show Notes

In this episode our guest is Venerable Mettaji, formerly Stephen Mayers, a man who has had a journey from the heights of corporate success down into the valley of trial and loss. This has led him on to ordaining as a bhikkhu - a Buddhist monk - later in life. But through all the ups and downs of Venerable Mettaji’s journey there has been a will to serve others stemming from a well-spring of kindness. In this episode we’re going to learn about that journey and some of the unexpected ways behind the scenes that he is serving the growing Buddhist community in Australia with a heart of kindness.


Links related to Venerable Mettaji and this episode:

Treasure Mountain links:

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