Latest Episodes

Episode 36
December 19, 2023
Vipassana Meditation: an introduction to insight meditation practice | Patrick Kearney
In some recent episodes of Treasure Mountain Podcast we’ve heard about the importance of samatha - or stillness, tranquillity - meditation. But what about...

Episode 35
December 12, 2023
Buddhism vs Psychotherapy | Ayya Jitindriya
In Western culture over the past century, the growth of interest in psychology and Buddhism have occurred together and have often intersected. Yet they...

Episode 34
November 27, 2023
Silent Meditation Retreats: A Journey of Self-Discovery & Inner Peace | Shaila Catherine
Have you learned the basics of meditation and wanted to take things deeper? Have you heard about silent meditation retreats and wondered what they...

Episode 33
November 14, 2023
Samatha: developing calm and tranquillity in meditation | Prof. Peter Harvey
In this episode of Treasure Mountain we will explore the purpose and nature of samatha meditation, and it’s relation to other forms of meditation...

Episode 32
July 15, 2023
Creating Strong Supportive Buddhist Communities - NeeWern Khoo
In this episode I wanted to talk about the importance of community when it comes to both finding the Path of Practice, but also...

Episode 31
July 03, 2023
Following the Path of a Forest Monk | Ajahn Pasanno
Joining us on this episode is a humble, yet trail-blazing monk from the forest tradition lineage of Ajahn Chah who is now the senior...